Around 300 young fishers will flock to Austin Lakes Estate over the long weekend for the inaugural ‘Fish in the ‘Burbs’ fishing experience.
More than 500 rainbow trout have been released into the lake in the centre of Austin Lake Estate to give young people the opportunity to catch the freshwater fish.
Six three-hour sessions will be held across the three-day fishing bonanza, with 50 fishers – plus two parents or guardians – able to attend each morning and afternoon session.
Fisheries Minister Peter Tinley welcomed the Recfishwest project.
"Fishing is a great way to get outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine and a family friendly pursuit for hundreds of thousands of Western Australians. It also helps boost our economy," Mr Tinley said.
"Bringing fishing activities to the suburbs is a great way to encourage young fishers and this weekend's free sessions are the first of their kind in WA.
"There will be similar events for young fishers at various suburban locations over the next two years."