Funds from cash and property seized from criminals in WA will be put towards projects to help prevent crime or support victims.
Up to $5 million is being made available to not-for-profit community groups and local governments under the Criminal Property Confiscation Grants Program.
Attorney General John Quigley said applicants can source up to $200,000 to back projects which prevent or reduce drug-related crime, support victims of crime or assist law enforcement through community safety and crime prevention initiatives.
"This program makes excellent use of funds seized from criminal activity by channelling them into effective projects aimed at making the community safer," Mr Quigley said.
About $2.3 million is expected to be allocated to approved projects under a previous funding round launched in February this year.
Past recipients have included a program providing financial advice and counselling to family and domestic violence victims.
Other projects have diverted youths from criminal offending and drug abuse by early intervention and activities such as sport and film-making.
This is the 16th round of the grants program and an additional round of funding for this year.
Further information, including the guidelines and an application form, is available on the Department of Justice website http://www.justice.wa.gov.au/grants
The closing date for applications is Wednesday, October 7 at 12pm.
Four information sessions designed to help with the application process will be held later this month. Applicants interested in attending a session must register in advance with the Grants Administrator.
For details of these sessions, as well as general information about applying for a grant, applicants are encouraged to contact the Department's Grants Administrator on (08) 9264 1749, or toll free on 1800 994 400.