City of Rockingham adopts new verge policy

Under the new policy synthetic turf is only allowed to cover up to 50 per cent of the verge. PIC:

The City of Rockingham has adopted a new policy which outlines what materials residents can and cannot use on their verge.

Materials such as synthetic lawn, concrete brick and paver and organic mulch are only allowed to cover up to 50 per cent of the verge or 10 square metres, whichever is greater. 

The rest must be lawn or garden.

Verge treatments installed before April 1, 2019 which do not comply with the Verge Development Policy must be registered by October 27.

City of Rockingham Deputy Mayor Deb Hamblin said the policy would provide clarity for residents about what exactly could be used on their verge.

 “The City’s new Verge Development Policy ensures property owners and occupiers are able to develop their verge with due regard for public health and safety, social and environmental benefits, amenity and aesthetics, with a particular focus on accessibility, bushfire mitigation and sustainability,” Deputy Mayor Hamblin said. 

“This policy draws a line in the sand for any future verge developments and will help to provide certainty.

“The City encourages residents to familiarise themselves with the new policy so they are aware of any rules that may apply to their verge.” 

For more information on permissible verge treatments and the range of acceptable materials visit 

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