Council to establish cat prohibited areas

PIC: Supplied

The City of Rockingham Council is set to establish cat prohibited areas over conservation areas of the Rockingham Lakes Regional Park.

Provisions will be introduced into the City of Rockingham Cats Local Law to establish prohibited areas.

Cats found in these locations may be trapped by the City, with domestic cat owners to face the prospect of fines if their cat is caught.

City of Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels said Council moved to establish prohibited spots for cats in area of the Rockingham Lakes Regional Park to protect native fauna that is crucial to local ecosystems.

"Roaming cats, both domestic and feral, present a number of challenges to the conservation of biodiversity in our community," he said. 

"Cats prey on native fauna species, compete with native fauna for food, habitat and other resources. To combat this, Council has resolved to begin the process of establishing cat prohibited areas around important ecological sites in the City.

"We hope these changes will encourage domestic cat owners to consider the whereabouts of their pet."

The Rockingham Lakes Regional Park is a network of environmentally significant lands that contains coastal, wetland and upland ecosystems.

Areas of note with the Rockingham Lakes Regional Park include Cape Peron, Lake Richmond and Lake Walyungup.

In addition to the Council's decision, it is anticipated that the State Government will introduce cat containment legislation in the coming years and are expected to be included in the Cat Act.


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