Have your say on future growth of Mandurah’s City Centre

PIC: City of Mandurah (supplied).

The community is being invited to have a say on the future growth, development and vision for Mandurah’s City Centre.

The Mandurah City Centre Master Plan and Parking Plan survey is available on mandurahmatters.com.au, and is open until Friday, April 29 for people to get involved.

The survey asks the community to share their thoughts and vision for the City Centre, which will help the City of Mandurah to develop the City Centre Master Plan and Parking Plan, both of which are integral to the city’s future development, growth and character.

The survey focuses on three key areas:

  • Movement – the way people travel to and move around the City Centre,
  • Character – how people celebrate and embrace Mandurah’s point of difference, and
  • Activity – how people create a City Centre environment that inclusively invites people to work, live and play.

The survey will help to form the future vision of Mandurah’s City Centre, and the decision-making process in regards to what the city looks like in 10 years’ time.

A City Centre Master Plan will establish a clear vision for the City Centre and surrounds to guide future development and attract investment in a way that builds up Mandurah’s waterfront character. Providing this clear vision will work towards creating economic benefits for Mandurah by encouraging private sector investment to get involved in Mandurah’s future.

The City’s Parking Plan is one component of the Master Plan, with City officers assessing the car parking provision to look at how best this can be managed and made more accessible.

Those who do not have access to completing the survey online will be able to complete a hard copy at the City of Mandurah's Administration building.

The survey and FAQs are available at www.mandurahmatters.com.au

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