The City of Rockingham will partner with the Salvation Army to host the Live Life for Less Expo on Tuesday, as a part of Anti-Poverty Week 2019.
Anti-Poverty Week will run from Sunday October 13 to Saturday October 19 and encourages locals to take part in activities that help to raise awareness and assist people to gain skills to overcome issues contributing to poverty and hardship.
A range of local service providers will be available at the free expo to provide advice and information including Anglicare WA, Housing Support, Access Housing, Department of Housing, South Coastal Health and Community Services, Share the Dignity, Babbingar Mia and Street Doctor.
Visitors to the expo will be able to participate in one-on-one appointments with a financial counsellor, learn how to grow their own produce and how to be thrifty in the kitchen with the waste-free kitchen workshop.
There will also be free micro-chipping, worming and flea treatments for pets from the RSPCA Pets in Crisis.
City of Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels said the expo would give residents experiencing financial difficulties access to a number of vital resources.
“Issues relating to extreme financial hardship and poverty are very important matters that impact people in our City and millions of others across Australia,” Mayor Sammels said.
“The Live Life for Less Expo is focused on helping some of the most vulnerable residents in our community and will provide tips, skills and advice on how to best reduce cost of living pressures."
No registration is required for the event, but for more information contact the City on 9528 0333 or email customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au.
Event details:
What: Live Life for Less Expo
Where: Salvation Army building, corner of Willmott Drive and Read Street in Cooloongup
When: Tuesday October 15, 2019 from 10am until 1pm