Locals encouraged to get involved in Giant Planting Day

Marlee Reserve is home to Little Lui. PIC: FORM

Locals are being encouraged to head along to a wetlands rehabilitation project on Saturday, June 10.

The Alcoa Foundation Giant Planting Day will take place at Marlee Reserve from 10am to 4pm.

As part of this community action day, volunteers will rehabilitate two sections of the wetlands in Marlee Reserve, which is recognised as one of the most important conservation reserves in the City of Mandurah. 

The reserve is home to a range of animal species, including the brush-tailed phascogale, quenda, and the long-necked turtle.

It is also the home of Thomas Dambo's wild-haired and bright-eyed Giant of Mandurah, Little Lui.

“Mandurah is shaped, both geographically and culturally, by its waterways and unique natural environment. Both an artist and environmental activist, Dambo's artistic practice celebrates the diversity, awe-inspiring beauty and importance of protecting the natural world," FORM CEO Tabitha McMullan said.

"Through consultation to date, the Mandurah community have made it clear they would like to see an ongoing positive environmental legacy created by this project. Under the watchful eye of Little Lui, we are thrilled to be working with the Alcoa Foundation, City of Mandurah and community on this wetlands rehabilitation project.”

Everyone is welcome to take part in this free event and can register via eventbrite.com.au.

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