Locals encouraged to participate in Clean Up Australia Day

PIC: File

Local residents are encouraged to participate in Clean Up Australia Day 2020.

Clean Up Australia Day originated in 1989 and has grown into a national event that focuses on cleaning up rubbish in communities across Australia.

Throughout the year, more than 700,000 volunteers joined forces to clear litter from parks, creeks, schools, beaches, waterways and shopping malls.

More than 1.5 million hours were dedicated to the undertaking with an estimated 17,000 ute loads of rubbish being removed.

Plastic remains the main waste items found during clean-ups across Australia, closely followed by miscellaneous rubbish - most of which is cigarette butts.

However, plastic straws dropped from number four to number six in the top 10, indicating that Australians are taking steps to address single use plastics.

Chairman of Clean Up Australia Pip Kiernan said she was happy to see more Australians taking note of important conversations about the environmental impacts of waste.

“While there is still considerable work to be done, it is encouraging to see that this year there were notable declines in the volume of plastics, food packaging, and chip and confectionary packets,” Ms Kiernan said.

“We need to band together as Australians to tackle the issue of waste and safeguard the environment for future generations, we want Australians to Step Up and think about the positive changes they can make for the environment every day.

“Even simple changes such as remembering your reusable coffee cup, refusing excess packaging and cashing in your empty bottles and cans plays a big part in helping clean up Australia."

People looking to get involved in Clean Up Australia Day 2020, on March 1, can register either as a community group, business, youth group or as a school.

If you are unable to join on that date, you can also make a donation to support Clean Up efforts all year round.

For more information or to register for Clean Up Australia Day, visit cleanupaustraliaday.org.au.

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