The outstanding contribution of several residents was recognised at the City of Rockingham’s 2023 Community Citizen of the Year Awards, which were held at the Gary Holland Community Centre on Australia Day.
These annual awards acknowledge individuals and organisations that have made a notable contribution during the current year and/or those who have given outstanding service over a number of years.
Claire Willans was recognised as the Community Citizen of the Year, with her advocacy and support in the mental health sector highly commended.
Claire established the ‘Couch Time’ service, which provided people experiencing mental health issues the chance to come together and reconnect in a safe environment.
In 2021 this service evolved into ‘Circle of Friends’ which now has three groups that meet across Rockingham, Baldivis and Kwinana.
The Senior Community Citizen of the Year Award (over 65 years of age) was won by Laurie Smith OAM, who was recognised for his sustained contribution to the community.
Among many roles Laurie has served the community as Mayor, been a long time member of the Rotary Club of Palm Beach, chaired the Performing Arts and Cultural Convention Group, and leads a campaign to organise a re-enactment of the historic Catalpa rescue.
Laurie is also a Freeman of the City.
Laurie Smith OAM was recognised as Senior Community Citizen of the Year. PIC: City of Rockingham
There was a tie for the Young Community Citizen of the Year (under 25 years of age), with both Luke Tammen and Lily Tyler sharing the award.
Luke’s fundraising efforts with the Baldivis Leos were central to his success, while Lily’s positive influence at the Rockingham Youth Centre as a member of the Youth Reference Group played a key role in receiving the award.
There was a tie for the Young Community Citizen of the Year, with the award won by both Lily Tyler and Luke Tammen. PIC: City of Rockingham
Much loved local not-for-profit Team Fred was recognised with the Active Citizenship (Group or Event) award.
Team Fred is dedicated to helping families of children with serious illnesses and is run by a small group of volunteers.
The group conducts fundraisers with all profits going directly to support families in need of urgent support.
Team Fred took out the Active Citizenship (Group or Event) award. PIC: City of Rockingham.
Presentation of these awards was made at the City’s Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony, which saw more than 100 people officially become Australian citizens.
“Our Community Citizen of the Year Award winners have worked tirelessly to bring about positive change to our City. Each recipient has shown leadership, initiative and active citizenship, which has significantly contributed to the value of our community,” City of Rockingham Mayor Deb Hamblin said.