Mandurah residents encouraged to vote in local government elections

Mandurah residents have been urged to make their vote count in the local government elections on October 19.

Postal voting packages have been sent to eligible voters and although voting in the local government elections is not compulsory, the City of Mandurah is encouraging locals to have their say.

There is one vacancy each in the Town and East wards and two vacancies each in the Coastal and North wards, all with four-year terms.

There are 22 candidates in the running to become a Councillor.

For information and profiles on the election candidates, go to

Completed voting packages must be received by the Western Australian Electoral Commission via the post or returned to the WAEC Ballot Box at the City’s Administration Building by Friday, October 18.

Alternatively, voters can deliver their completed voting package in person at Mandurah Seniors and Community Centre, 41 Ormsby Terrace, between 8am and 6pm on voting day, Saturday October 19.

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