Mental Health Week in Rockingham

The City of Rockingham will be hosting a number of activities and workshops, in support of Mental Health Week 2019.

Mental Health Week takes place around Australia starting on Sunday - each state and territory adopting their own theme and holding their own events.

The annual event aims to increase awareness in the community around mental health and well-being.

City of Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels encourages locals to take advantage of the opportunities on offer. 

“Creating environments that foster positive mental health is crucial to developing healthy and happy communities,” Mayor Sammels said. 

“The City is delighted to be hosting a number of events and workshops that encourage people to take care of their mental health."

For more information on any of the events visit or find the City of Rockingham on Facebook.

To make a booking contact the City on 9528 0333 or email

The events and workshops taking place around the City include: 

- Mental Health First Aid: Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 October 2019 – Quest Apartments (9am – 4.30pm).

- Understanding Anxiety and Depression in Youth: Wednesday 9 October 2019, Anglicare Rockingham (6pm – 8pm)

- Macramé Bracelets Workshops: Thursday 10 October, Safety Bay Library (5pm – 7pm).  

- Tree of Life painting at the Health and Wellness Expo: Friday 11 October 2019, Rockingham Shopping Centre (9am – 5pm). 

- Sexuality, Gender Diversity and Mental Health: Friday 11 October 2019, Quest Apartments (9am – 4pm)

- Macramé Bracelets Workshop: Tuesday 15 October 2019, Warnbro Community Library (5pm – 7pm)

- Art of Positive Thinking: Saturday 19 October 2019, Rockingham Central Library (10.30am – 12pm)

- Macramé Bracelets Workshop: Sunday 20 October 2019, Mary Davies Library and Community Centre (2pm – 5pm)

- Macramé Bracelet Workshop: Saturday 26 October 2019, Rockingham Central Library (10am – 12pm) 

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