Motorists urged to exercise caution during holiday period

PIC: File

In the lead up to the Christmas and New Year period, RAC is urging WA drivers to ditch the distraction and take extra care behind the wheel this holiday season.

RAC General Manager Corporate Affairs Will Golsby said there had been too much devastation on our roads this year, reinforcing the need for motorists to put safety at the top of their to-do-list. 

“The impact of road trauma has a ripple effect on the community and tragically 151 lives have been lost on Western Australian roads this year, with many more serious injuries,” he said. 

“Driver inattention, be it deliberate or unintended, is becoming one of the leading causes of deaths and serious injuries, so we urge all Western Australians to be vigilant, look up and keep mobile phones out of arms reach whilst driving.” 

Many Western Australians pack the car up for a break and quick get away, but the RAC has warned it can be one of the busiest times on the roads, in particular on regional roads.

“Christmas is a popular time for holidays in regional WA, an area where the road fatality rate is five times higher than Perth metropolitan, so we remind drivers to plan their journey and take adequate breaks to fight fatigue,” Mr Golsby said. 

“Within the Perth metropolitan area, roads and shopping centres are particularly busy so it’s important for motorists to slow down and pay extra attention to other road users.” 

Western Australian crash statistics reveal 21 people were killed on our roads during the holiday period from mid-December 2017 to the end of January 2018, with 14 of these fatalities occurring on regional roads. 

Last year, RAC also received 4,430 collision claims for the month of December alone, nearly all of which could have been prevented. 

“Our advice to motorists is to be patient, considerate and safe. Drive at a speed suitable for the road conditions and do not travel above the speed limit, avoid distraction, wear your seatbelt, plan ahead to ensure enough rest stops, and nominate a skipper if you’re planning to have a drink,” Mr Golsby said. 

“The best gift Western Australians can give their friends and family this Christmas is ensuring they take extra care on the roads.”

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