Next phase of works to begin on Eastern Foreshore development

Artist impression of Eastern Foreshore development. PICS: City of Mandurah

The next phase of works on the central and northern end of Mandurah's Eastern Foreshore is due to begin next month.

As part of the Mandurah Waterfront Project, the development will see a new play area for all abilities, upgraded lighting, widened paved access, new barbecues and sheltered picnic areas along with larger alfresco areas around the businesses at the northern end of the foreshore.

Mayor Rhys Williams said the Mandurah Waterfront Project had already delivered some incredible places and spaces in the heart of Mandurah including Mandurah Skate Park, Koolaanga Waabiny Playground, the circular Kwillena Gabi Pool, plus upgrades to Smart Street Mall and new public toilet facilities. 

“Components of this program so far have transformed and renewed our waterfront spaces so they can be enjoyed by everyone in a variety of ways, and have had huge positive impacts for our community,” Mayor Williams said. 

“Back in 2018, the City engaged extensively with residents, businesses and other partners to establish the overall vision for the Mandurah Waterfront and it’s been great to see the plans for an impressive, top-class destination come to life. 

“It’s an exciting time for Mandurah as we continue to refresh spaces throughout the City Centre for our community and visitors. By focusing on redeveloping our public areas, plus increasing visitation and strong tourism offerings, our aim is to attract investment and boost economic opportunities for our city. There’s no doubt the benefits are being felt already.” 

From Tuesday, June 4, access to the central and northern end of the Eastern Foreshore, including the existing playground, will be restricted as construction works start.

However, safe public access to businesses in the area will be provided throughout the project.

The City encourages the community to keep supporting these local businesses during the works.

The Eastern Foreshore will have a staged re-opening from November with the entire project completed by early 2025. 

For more information on the project, go to  

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