Perth to Mandurah cycling path now complete

Transport Minister Rita Saffioti with Kim Giddens MLA- Member for Bateman and Chris Tallentire MLA. PIC: Facebook

An uninterrupted bicycle path between Mandurah and Perth is now complete.

The final link in the Kwinana Freeway Principal Shared Path (PSP), between Leach Highway and Mount Henry Bridge, was officially opened on Tuesday.

The new 880 metre section of path is part of a $16 million project, providing riders and walkers a safe, continuous route to travel between Perth and Mandurah.

Construction of this project started in early 2021 and required about 20,000 square metres of land to be levelled to build the new path within the freeway reserve.

"Completion of this vital missing link means riders and walkers of all abilities can now enjoy an uninterrupted journey on a high-quality path, all the way from Mandurah to the Perth CBD," Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said,

"Journeys have also been made much safer for everyone, creating a completely off-road facility eliminating the interaction between people walking and riding, and driving along Selway Road and the busy Cranford Avenue."

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