Port Kennedy woman dies in tragic skydiving accident in US

Melissa Porter died in a tragic skydiving accident in the US. PIC: Facebook

A Port Kennedy woman has died in a tragic skydiving accident in the US.

According to local police, Melissa Porter, 29, who was a professional skydiver and instructor, was testing out a new method at the Skydive Spaceland Houston facility in Texas on June 24, when something went wrong.

Witnesses said her parachute deployed when she jumped out of the plane but she suffered a hard landing into a shallow body of water.

Ms Porter was rushed to hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Local authorities said there was no sign of blunt force trauma to her body.

Her cause of death is being investigated by the Galveston County Medical Examiner's Office.

PIC: Facebook

A GoFundMe page has since been set up to support Ms Porter's family who are flying from Perth to the US.

Ms Porter's family and friends will gather at Skydive Spaceland Houston later this month to honour the 29-year-old.

Ms Porter started skydiving as a teenager and was very experienced in the sport.

She had completed well over 1000 jumps around the world.

In May, she and 23 women broke the record for the first all female total sequential break formation in Australia.

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