Submissions are now open for the Mandurah community to have their say on the future developments of the city centre.
The City of Mandurah have released bold new plans outlining future developments and investment attractions which build on the city's water front character.
The City Centre Master Plan and City Centre Parking Plan aim to further enhance Mandurah's recent recognition as Australia's top tourism town.
Both plans have been adopted by Council for advertising and are now open for public comment via Mandurah Matters.
The master plan has been developed with a focus on activity, character and movement, and covers covers four key precincts including the Marina and Western Foreshore.
The plan features a combination of private development and targeted public investment projects, including:
- Civic Cultural Precinct
- Heritage Precinct
- Mewburn Centre upgrades
- Road network upgrades
- City Centre streetscape upgrades
- Waterfront jetty and infrastructure upgrades
- Town Beach upgrade
The city's parking plan focuses on Mandurah’s parking needs over the next 10 years and how this can be managed and made more accessible to residents and visitors alike.
To view the draft City Centre Master Plan and City Centre Parking Plan and have your say, go to:
Public feedback will be open until 26 February, 2024.