Rapture Nightclub owner defends response to drink spike claim

PIC: Facebook

The owner of a Perth nightclub has defended his response to a woman who claimed her drink was spiked.

Shantel Smith messaged Rapture Nightclub via their Facebook page informing them she believed her drink had been spiked and suggested the venue increase its security.

PIC: Facebook

The nightclub's reply has since gone viral on social media.

"What proof do you have of your drink being spiked. Why would anyone want to spike your drink?” the reply read.

“Did you attend a hospital and have your stomach pumped for evidence? Is this something you and your friends experience regularly? Would you like a crowd controller to hold your drink the next time you attend a nightclub?

“Do you think ten crowd controllers would be able to stop you having your drink spiked? Are you worth someone trying to spike your drink?

“We think this is a beat up and we believe that no one would be stupid enough to waste their drugs on spiking anyone’s drink.”

Speaking on ABC Radio Perth on Monday morning, Rapture Nightclub owner Neil Scott admitted he could have worded the reply differently but still maintained the woman's drink was not spiked.

"I guess in this instance it was wrong, but nevertheless it's been done now and it can't be taken back," Mr Scott told ABC Radio Perth.

"There was no chance that she had her drink spiked, it was just an 18-year-old girl being silly."

Mr Scott said Ms Smith walked out of the nightclub just before 3am and showed no signs of being under the influence of a date rape drug.

"She stood outside the nightclub for another eight minutes and jollied around with her friends, dancing in front of the nightclub, enjoying herself, and then walked off," he said.

"It was just absolute rubbish that she'd had her drink spiked, there was no chance."

A change.org petition calling for the venue to be shutdown and turned into a women's refuge has since gained over 10,000 signatures.

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