Re-elected Labor Government pledges $1.3 million towards Waroona town centre revitalisation

The proposed Waroona Community Precinct. PIC: Shire of Waroona

A re-elected McGowan Government has pledged $1.3 million towards revitalising the Waroona town centre.

The Shire of Waroona has been in consultation with the community about the project, including its proposed Community Precinct.

The precinct, in the heart of Waroona, includes open grassed areas for community events, a nature play area and playground, an all-ages skate park and pump track, accessible toilets and landscaping. 

“Waroona is a town with a long history and will benefit from a makeover to restore it to its past glory - this funding will help to reinvigorate the town centre for both local residents and visitors," Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan said.

“Robyn Clarke has been an incredibly strong local advocate for Waroona, and has secured this funding commitment to support the local community.”

The proposed Waroona Community Precinct. PIC: Shire of Waroona

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