Speed limit to reduce to 60km/h on Sixty Eight Road in Baldivis

The speed limit on Sixty Eight Road in Baldivis from Mandurah Road to east of the intersection of Eighty Road, will be reduced to improve safety in the area. PIC: City of Rockingham.

The speed limit on Sixty Eight Road in Baldivis, from Mandurah Road to Eighty Road, will be reduced by 10km/h to improve road safety for motorists.

The decision to reduce the limit from 70km/h to 60km/h comes after a number of crashes in the area including two fatal crashes.

Prior to the reduction of the speed limit, the City has installed rumble strips on the southern approach to the Sixty Eight Road/Eighty Road intersection and has also made improvements to signage and line marking. 

“Due to the history of incidents along Sixty Eight Road, the City has liaised with Main Roads WA to explore ways that safety can be improved for motorists driving in the area,” Mayor Sammels said. 

“The City hopes that the speed limit reduction will reduce the number of crashes, and more importantly, reduce the severity of the incidents that occur.

“We encourage motorists to take note of the change and drive safely. Going forward, the City will continue to work with Main Roads WA to improve road safety in the area and across the wider community.”    

The new speed limit will come into effect on January 25.

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