The City of Rockingham is encouraging community members to volunteer to join one of the City's advisory committees.
There are currently 50 vacancies available across 10 different committees within the council.
Advisory committees provide input which help shape the direction and implementation of various strategies created by the City.
Committees in need of community representation include the Australia Day Awards Selection Panel, Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee and the Cultural Development and the Arts Committee.
City of Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels said resident representation on advisory committees was a key part of achieving enhanced outcomes for the community.
"The City of Rockingham has a range of advisory committees and we want people in the community with the relevant skills, qualifications, backgrounds, interests and personal attributes to step forward and add value to these committees." he said.
Applications for advisory committees are open until Friday, October 16.
For more information head to the City of Rockingham website: www.rockingham.wa.gov.au/stepforward