Voting rules changed to allow COVID positive residents to vote by phone

PIC: File

COVID-19 positive Australians will still be able to vote in Saturday's Federal Election after a change in voting rules.

The original legislation meant anyone who tested positive before Tuesday night but did not apply for a postal vote could not vote over the phone.

But on Friday morning, the Australian electoral commissioner requested the Federal Government accept changes to expand phone voting.

“We have analysed the service’s take-up so far, our staffing levels and forecasts for use, and are in urgent discussions with Government about the concerns expressed by members of the public,” electoral commissioner Tom Rogers said in a statement.

“This morning I have signed a brief recommending for the eligibility for the service be expanded.”

Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirmed the government has approved the change, allowing anyone who has been in isolation since 6pm on Friday, May 13 to vote over the phone.

People who have registered to vote by phone are being urged to do it today to avoid delays on Saturday.

To register, call 1800 913 993.

Voters will need to provide evidence they have tested positive for COVID-19 after 6pm on Tuesday, May 17. 

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