The RAC are welcoming the increase to mobile phone penalties set to start tomorrow, as a new survey revealed an alarming number of motorists are still using their phones behind the wheel.
The survey of over 400 RAC members found 97 per cent of WA motorists have witnessed other drivers on their phones, while more than one in three admitted to engaging in the behaviour themselves.
RAC General Manager Corporate Affairs Will Golsby said the new penalties were a step towards tackling distraction on our roads.
“As a leading factor in deaths and serious injuries on WA roads, distracted driving is one of the most complex road safety challenges we face,” he said.
“It takes an average of five seconds to read a text message but just a split second for a life to be changed forever,
“Please put your phone away while driving or turn it off — nothing is so urgent it’s worth killing or seriously injuring yourself or someone else.”
From tomorrow, the new mobile phone penalties mean you can be fined up to $1,000 and four demerit points for using your phone behind the wheel.