Works begin on $55m clinker import facility in Kwinana

Kwinana Bulk Terminal. PIC: Fremantle Ports

Site works have begun on a new $55 million clinker import facility at the Kwinana Bulk Terminal.

Clinker is used in the manufacture of cement, with more than 1.1 million tonnes imported into WA each year through the Fremantle Ports facility in Cockburn Sound.

State Development Minister and Member for Kwinana Roger Cook spoke about the importance of the investment for both Kwinana and WA at the official ground-breaking ceremony today.

The facility incorporates a bulk storage dome - which will be able to store around 40,000 tonnes of clinker - and a conveyor linking the Kwinana Bulk Terminal to adjacent Cockburn Cement operations.

Clinker is also imported by BGC Group for use in the manufacturing of cement.

The new clinker circuit will significantly reduce the need for truck transport, reduce dust emissions, and result in fewer stoppages which lead to shipping delays.

"Clinker is an immensely important product imported through the Port of Fremantle, as it ends up in every cubic metre of concrete and cement used in domestic and industrial construction throughout the State," State Development Minister Roger Cook said.

"This is a great infrastructure development for Kwinana - and for Western Australia - which will significantly improve our capability to move clinker faster, more safely and with very significant environmental benefits, and provide the capacity for the port facility to accommodate future trade growth.

"It's a great example of planning assets to integrate the State-owned port with adjacent private facilities, with benefits for all."

The new facility is scheduled to be commissioned in 2024.

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