Test your music knowledge with Connect 4!

It’s The Wave’s famous Connect Four!

We'll play four songs, all with a common theme.

Be the first caller through to correctly identify the connecting theme and you’ll win a spot in the draw for $100!!

Tune in from 3pm weekdays to play Connect Four with Darragh O'Dea on the Drive Through!

Thanks to Specialized Garage Doors.

For new, or replacement garage doors and carport doors, see: https://www.specializedgaragedoor.com.au/

Competition terms & conditions.

Fuel Watch
  • 169.5: X Convenience Erskine
  • 169.9: BP Halls Head
  • 170.9: Ampol Foodary Erskine
  • 170.9: Ampol Foodary Falcon (Miami Beach)
  • 170.9: Ampol Foodary Greenfields